Sunday, June 29, 2008

Extending STUN's attributes

Well, it has been a long time since I updated this....

It took me about a week to fully understand the internal workings of stun4j
Then I wrote some simple StunServer and StunClient to test the package and get myself familiar with it.

I also spent about couple of weeks on reading the ICE specification (more than hundred pages technical spec...) and some tutorials on SIP and SDP to have an idea about how to develop my solution.

Then I created the basic design for the ICE implementation. I modeled the ICE state machine and designed the ICE state classes to represent the ICE state machine

I started working on extending the attributes in stun4j to support ICE processing. This included adding four new attribute classes for PRIORITY, USE-CANDIDATE, ICE-CONTROLLING and ICE-CONTROLLED attributes

I'm a bit behind the schedule at the moment with my development. Because it took me a bit more time to fully understand the ICE spec. But since I have grip on the concepts now, I think I can speed up my development and get my schedule back on track

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